Our hobby / passion

Goaßlschnoizen is the Bavarian name for the German "Peitschenknallen". Word by word translated it means "whipcracking". Maybe you know the whips which are used by sulky-drivers to control their horses. We take such whips, one or more akkordeon - player(s) and traditional cloths and make a special kind of music. While standing on the desks in big rooms, beer-tents or open-air we make different noises akkording to the music and the poeple are sitting around on their chairs. The whips reach the speed of sound for a very short time and are "flying" just half a metre above the heads of the guests. Some of them seem to be afraid of being whiped, but no one was hurt yet, although often somebody stands up without looking at us. Its our job to avoid any damage. Security first...